Boys don’t cry your life moment

When we hear the term “perfect man”, what does usually come to our mind? A guy with a set of six pack abs, buffy chest and biceps and height of at least 6 ft. Any feature other than the previously mentioned are not appreciated enough. But why is that so? Why do these beauty standards make us believe that we are less than someone, that aren’t worthy enough?! Toxic masculinity refers to the traditional masculine norms which have been passed on from one generation to another. It is people’s idea of ‘manliness’ which often refers to domination and aggression. These norms not only harm the society but men as well. Little boys are taught at a very early age ‘boys don’t cry’ or ‘men should be tough’.

In almost every family there is this unwritten rule that a daughter will help her mother in the kitchen and the son will to be responsible for other household chores which certainly requires going outside the house. Even if a growing male shows interest in cooking or the recipes, they are told to drop the idea because for some people cooking is considered way too feminine for a ‘man’ to try it. Boys are often told, not to showcase their emotions, especially if it is sentimental. The mere tag which says that “boys don’t cry like girls” is disturbing enough. Society has always been harsh on not only women, but men as well. From the beginning of their early teens and even childhood, boys are pressurised into believing that they will have to handle everything in their household, regardless if they are the youngest or the oldest among their siblings. They are taught that they have to be financially independent as soon as possible, in order to take care of the entire family. They are taught that if they won’t own a fancy car and an expensive house, they will not be considered eligible for marriage.