Valuing vintage songs for what they are

Old songs always hit different. Early 90s and 2000s songs were nothing but pure gold. We all grew up listening to some legendary artists like Lata Mangeshkar and Kishore Kumar. Even Hollywood artists made our childhood memorable. Some iconic singers like Michael Jackson, Ricky Martin, and Madonna have written some effortlessly amazing songs which till date make us groove to the fullest. As a kid, we use to disgrace these songs and mock them whenever out parents use to listen to it. Time passed and now we’re grown up, many songs which we considered boring and senseless are now very much relatable to us. Life becomes more complicated as we grow up; we keep getting more and more responsibility. As we got older, we started to understand the true meaning of the songs to which we once cringed on. Some of us surely remember those weekend getaways where our parents use to play songs of their era and we use to vibe along with it as well.  We never really understood the lyrics until we were grown-ups.

Songs and music play a very important role in our lives. It makes us feel less lonely. We listen to music all the time. We play it in our earphones or Bluetooth speakers when we wake up, some of us even perform those private shower concerts every morning, we listen to FM Radio every morning in our transportation while heading to work. We are dependent on music in a way we cannot even imagine. It lifts us up, it makes us feel better, and it makes us happy, it makes us sad, it makes feel!

Our taste keeps changing according to our age and situations. Some people like sad songs, some people like cheerful songs. It is the songs which make them aware of their emotions, which makes feel alive. Regardless of the never ending rat race of life, everyone deserves to live their life to the fullest. Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy composed song Sooraj Ki Baahon Mein from the movie Zindagi Na Milegi Dobaara. The song lyrics somewhat go like. “Paate hum hai zindagi ek baar, kyun na kare khul k hum isko pyaar”, makes us value the importance of life and makes us grateful for being alive.

Regret or relief can money buy happiness

We all must have heard the phase which says “money cannot buy you happiness” but for some people, happiness is all about money. The phrase does not exactly mean that one cannot buy happiness or the materialistic things that make them happy; it means that some people still do feel miserable and lonely even after owning all of the wealth in the world. One needs to be happy from within in order to enjoy the luxurious life they can afford. Some people are unhappy even after earning well due to personal issues and reasons, yet some people tend to find happiness in the smallest of the things and are satisfied in what they can barely afford. Money is precious, it should be valued, but happiness should be valued more. We often get ourselves involved in this rat race of earning well; we get obsessed with the idea of becoming hefty rich and forget to enjoy the mere essence of life.

Role of Event Management Companies in Promoting a Brand

We have all been through this stage where we needed help to showcase our talents, we might be extremely talented but is that just enough?

Well absolutely not. To become completely successful we must actually know to establish our talents. And in this world of internet which is influenced by social media that can be an accomplishable mission. But if you are clueless, sometimes you can make use help, after all “only a crying baby gets milk”.

How Event Management Companies Changed after the Pandemic

COVID-19 has influenced nearly every area of human life. The virus had spread to more than 100 nations by March, 2019, prompting the WHO to proclaim a worldwide pandemic. Lockdowns, stringent travel prohibitions, and “social separation” measures were quickly implemented. No one knew how event agencies would unfold in the post-COVID-19 world. It is still impossible to predict how things will play out in the coming years, given how frequently regulatory rules change – and the impending risk of vaccination effectiveness against new variations. Even if in-person events return, the truth is that for a long time, attendance will be split between those who are willing and able to physically go and those who are not.

Finding an event company idea that is not overdone is not an easy task. It’s critical to maintain positive working connections and foster a feeling of team togetherness. Regardless of what event planning route you choose, never forget that every event company has a unique group of employees. Be wise in your choice, and select an activity unique to the team.

Boys don’t cry your life moment

When we hear the term “perfect man”, what does usually come to our mind? A guy with a set of six pack abs, buffy chest and biceps and height of at least 6 ft. Any feature other than the previously mentioned are not appreciated enough. But why is that so? Why do these beauty standards make us believe that we are less than someone, that aren’t worthy enough?! Toxic masculinity refers to the traditional masculine norms which have been passed on from one generation to another. It is people’s idea of ‘manliness’ which often refers to domination and aggression. These norms not only harm the society but men as well. Little boys are taught at a very early age ‘boys don’t cry’ or ‘men should be tough’.

In almost every family there is this unwritten rule that a daughter will help her mother in the kitchen and the son will to be responsible for other household chores which certainly requires going outside the house. Even if a growing male shows interest in cooking or the recipes, they are told to drop the idea because for some people cooking is considered way too feminine for a ‘man’ to try it. Boys are often told, not to showcase their emotions, especially if it is sentimental. The mere tag which says that “boys don’t cry like girls” is disturbing enough. Society has always been harsh on not only women, but men as well. From the beginning of their early teens and even childhood, boys are pressurised into believing that they will have to handle everything in their household, regardless if they are the youngest or the oldest among their siblings. They are taught that they have to be financially independent as soon as possible, in order to take care of the entire family. They are taught that if they won’t own a fancy car and an expensive house, they will not be considered eligible for marriage.